✨ Setting up Nuxt with Pug and Stylus
Nuxt is really cool all by itself but can even be cooler when combined with another templating engine. In this example I'll use Pug and Stylus to fiddle around.
💄 Adding Google Fonts to your NuxtJS site
I found out that my fonts weren't loading properly, so I searched for an alternative.
💄 Writing your own style components with TailwindCSS and Sass
having TailwindCSS classes everywhere in my markup annoys me. That's why I tought of a better way of styling with TailwindCSS
📈 Add custom tracking events to your nuxt site with GA4
Tracking with GA4 can be very useful, here's a little guide on tracking things you find important with custom GA4 events in Nuxt
🚀 Deploying my website to Netlify using Github
I've used github to manage the sourcecode for my website for a long time, github pages came with it. Now I discovered a better way to deploy and host websites.
⚡ Add TailwindCSS JIT to your Nuxtjs site
TailwindCSS just came out with a new feature called @tailwindcss/jit. here's how you can add it to your Nuxt site.
📈 Adding tracking to your Nuxt site with GA4
Tracking your users' action on your site can be very helpful, but it isn't always as straightforward
💫 Adding a custom preloader to your nuxt site
I added a custom preloader to my Nuxt site. It's not that difficult, here's how I did it.
🎉 Initial commit
This week I've recreated my website and blog with Nuxt and Bootstrap, in this post I describe how it all came together.